Basic AV8 Bolt-On Conversion Kit - Model A to Flathead V8
$ 999.95
This version of the Old Yankee Speed Co. AV8 Conversion kit gives you the basics, the three major mounts for converting your Model A to a V8 when running mechanical brakes.
If you've tried installing a V8 in Model A, you probably now know that it is not a straight forward task. Traditionally this has required the use of later model pedals, mounts and crossmembers. Hunting these down is time consuming and expensive - if you can find originals. And if you don't have fabrication chops, this task got even more complicated. Unfortunately, most people find this out the hard way.
This basic kit is the barebones essentials for getting a flathead V8 and transmission mounted into your model a chassis. Whether you are just starting the project, or are looking to fabricate your own components for the brake and linkage setups.
Use your A stuff
Design focused on the Model A. So there’s no swapping later model Ford pedals cross member, or more costly and rare V8 parts.
No BS “bolt-in” ready design, just drills holes and clearance
If you can use a drill and common hand tools, you can put this kit in. If not, you should pay someone to do it for you. Seriously.
All of our remaining AV8 components are available for individual purchase if you'd like to upgrade at a later date.
Kit Includes:
- Engine Mounts x2
- Transmission Mount and Reinforcement Plate
- Crossmember Boxing Plates x2
- Biscuit Mounts x4
- Pedal Mount W/ Bushing and Wave Washers
- All Mounting Hardware
Optional Components:
- Shock Mounts
- Stock Model A Pedals
Q: Can I use my stock Model A rear end with your kit?
A: Yes, absolutely.
Q: Does this kit bolt up to a Model A torque tube driveshaft without the need to shorten or modify the torque tube?
A: Yes. No modifications will be needed with a stock Model A driveshaft
Q: Does this kit bolt up to a V8 torque tube driveshaft without the need to shorten or modify the torque tube?
A: No. The V8 driveshafts will have to be cut down.
Q: Can I use my Model A radius rod / wishbone?
A: Yes. Our mount is designed for un-split wishbone, if you would like to use spilt wishbones, we have those components too. Just contact us.
Q: What’s the difference in the hydraulic vs. mechanical kit?
A: The master cylinder, master cylinder mount, bell crank and linkage only comes with the standard and deluxe version. This can be purchased at a later point as an upgrade.
Q: Can I use my stock Model A friction shocks with your motor mounts?
A: Yes. The motor mounts are designed to fit the stock Model a frame holes.